by Richard Caplice

Released by the Pontificio Instituto Bilblico Romae, 1980, as the "Studia Pohl: Serier Maior 9 (Dissertationes scientificae de rebus orientis antiqui)"
Reproduced here for aid in research and studies purposes.


Whoever learns a foreign language quickly understands that by learning this language, the corresponding culture can be understood much better and deeper.
I really like the book that Caplice did, because unlike most of the rather modern "guides to akkadian" that I've seen, Caplice combines teaching the akkadian language and the sumerian cuneiform writing system, by which the scholar learns some basic sumerian at the same time, as well. You come to recognize cuneiform as a syllable based writing system, as well as a logographic one. Although one may think that you got the double load, I found the access to this book pretty easy. Learning success comes really fast and is complete and comprehensive.
Thus I decided to make this book accessable to the public, for it is no longer available anywhere (please correct me if I'm mistaken).

Update: 2005/01/09
... and, yes, I have been corrected - the book is still in print at Eisenbrauns, so we had to remove this reproduction here again. Nevermind, or even better, for now you have the chance to get a copy yourself, which surely is much better than reading those things from the screen. I leave the first pages of the book online, just to give you a "teaser" :-)

If you're interested in learning the basics of Akkadian, go here:

EDIT: The book is available online here:

Best of success,

Excerpts from the book:

Table of contents

last update: January 9, 2005

Table of contents
Lesson 1 (Noun Declension, I: Status Rectus)
The other parts of the book were removed from, as this book is, against expectations, still in print at Eisenbrauns.
Thus, you can order this much recommended learning piece here:

» Further readings...